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Hey, and welcome to the small international part of my website.

My name is Nicolai and I'm a musician, keyboard player and singer. You probably already know, since this is most likely the reason you got yourself in here.

I'm what we in Denmark call a "Soup-Steak-and-Icecream" musician, which basically just means that I play at parties, where people are lucky enough to get some diner served, now they brought the host a present anyway :o) However I do focus on the afterwards dancing part, and compared to an avarage "SSI" musician (as above) I consider myself as being younger and more powerfull in my choice of repertoire, which BTW is half danish and half english. You can go to "Lyd & Billeder" in the menu above (Sound & Pictures) and select some "Lydklip" (audio examples).

When I'm not gigging, I take care of my own company Together with a few danish and a bunch of bulgarian friends we support other musicans with software (styles and midifiles) for their keyboards, home enjoyments and live gigs. We support also Yamaha instruments, but personally my heart belongs to Roland Corporation, for whom I have another small parttime job, where I get to show new instruments and keyboards to dealers and endusers, sometimes months before they are launched! What a lucky bastard I am, huh? :o) Thank you so much for making such brilliant electronic musical instruments and for letting me be a little brick in your wall.

When all this musical rubbish is said, the most importaint things in the world is right here!!

© Nicolai Damgaard 1974-2022 - all rights reserved. (kopiér den og modtag skridtprygl)